Thursday, April 30, 2009

And I shall name you...

...Ima Fatigued Murphy. Has a nice ring, don't you think? And so fitting! I feel like I'm riding in the backseat of a car on a windy road... at three in the morning... all the time.

Talked with Jess on the phone last night and it was SOOOO hard not to tell her about IFM. She had asked me about a month ago how the fertility stuff was going and that was the day after my negative pregnancy test... so I had that sad news to share. Little did I know that hours later I would get that call from my doctor to say she thought I was pregnant (I had had a blood test the week before). So much for home pregnancy tests!

One week from Sunday and we will be able to start sharing the news!

Now, excuse me whileeee I... zzzzzzzz....

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"Morning" Sickness

I'm experiencing all of these things for the first time. So far... morning sickness isn't so bad for me. It started a few days ago and is like feeling car sick... ALL the time. It's not fun, but it could be worse!

I was telling BJ about how it's not so bad and he was kind enough to offer that maybe I just haven't hit the worst of it yet. Eek!

I'm 7 Weeks and our baby is the size of a blueberry!

Friday, April 24, 2009


So... I'm gaining a water belly - and having a baby bump right now feels so rediculous. I look like I'm showing baby but I'm only just over six weeks! I already made and have started using my own BellaBand to hide my unbuttoned pants! BJ thought it was genious and asked me to make one for him too! :)

Today I'm trying out the hairtie through the buttonhole trick.

It's hard to hide the fact that I'm pregnant when I look like I am!


So yesterday at Target I picked up my first pregnancy magazine. I was so afraid that someone I knew might spot me there with it so I hid it under my stack of Mother's Day cards until reaching the front of the line. Everyone probably thought I was an embarrassed teen mom! :)

There was a great article in FitPregnancy that explained serving sizes. It's incredible HOW MUCH I have to eat now to get all the required nutrients. Seriously... how do I fit in: 4 servings of grain, 4 servings of protein, 4 servings of dairy, 4 servings of veggies, 4 servings of fruit into one day AND 8 glasses of liquid???

I made up a plan of attack that includes V8 Splash (veggie and fruit juice in one - man I hope I like it!) and Ants on a Log (protein and veggie in one!). Plus a glass of milk covers both a dairy serving and a liquid. I'm seriously so sneaky. :)

This is so boring, I know - but all part of my new life as a preggy lady.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Doin' in all for my Ba-by!

(ala... Huey Lewis...)

So far the things that are mildly stinky about being pregnant:

Giving up lunch meat and tuna (basically rules out Penn Station & I heart PS).
Night cramping... why was I never told about this?
Lack of sleep from the night cramping.
The worry with every twinge or night cramp.
The worry that I DON'T have morning sickness (I know, I should be happy!).
The waiting!

So far the things that are great about being pregnant:

Dreaming about our little bean. Is it a boy or girl bean? One bean or two beans (we have a 10% chance of two beans!)?
Just the fact that I am PREGNANT! I really felt like this might really never happen.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

So what's so big about December 15th?

It's our DUE DATE!!! I'm shouting this into imaginary internet land because no one knows or will know for another couple of weeks.

Never before... IN THE HISTORY OF TIME... has life ticked by at a slower rate than with this pregnancy (it's a scientific fact). I was hoping to have my first ultrasound on May 7th at 8 weeks... but it's going to be on May 15th instead... EIGHT days later (and *twenty-four* days from today). Oh my that seems eons away. That day will be huge... getting to see our baby for the first time, knowing it's healthy (hopefully!) and then finally being able to share the news.

So what am I doing here blogging to myself? Really, this blog is meant to be temporary. For now, it's an outlet for me while we're hush hush about Ziggy the Zygote. Later on, it will be a place for me to continue sharing the details of pregnancy for those who like that sort of thing.

Had my first "official" prenatal visit this morning with nurse Lori. Was handed a mountain of paperwork which made me feel pregnant and happy.

My goals for today: drink more water (ick!) and eat more veggies. Also, take a walk. The doctor says I can't run unless I was already a runner. It's the excuse I've been looking for my entire life.